
Cupcake in the Oven

I haven't blogged in a while since I have not really had anything exciting going on in my life. Been cupcaking it away. :)

It's been a running joke with Dustin and my family for the past couple of years that we were going to have a baby in October 2011. I had decided that I wanted an October baby for the beautiful weather and the fun fall parties that could be had for birthdays. Dustin and I were working on the house at the time, and I wanted all the rooms, floors, and such done before we brought a baby into the mix. That is when we decided on 2011. We got done with both bathrooms, the kitchen, got our furniture, and redid the floors right on time. So October it was. I had told Dustin, if we weren't pregnant by the end of January, then we were gonna hold off a few months so to make sure we don't have another December baby. 6 birthdays in December is enough for one family. :) I was amazed when I found out how easy it was for me to get pregnant, but we hit our mark.

On Thursday, February 17, Dustin and I went to my new doctor, to verify that we were indeed pregnant. Jackson Healthcare for Women is a fantastic place, and the nurses, doctors, and other women working there are super nice and helpful. We started our appointment with our first ultrasound of the baby. The baby measured in at 1 cm, and that put me at 7 weeks. We weren't expecting much from the ultrasound, but when we saw the baby's heart beating, it all seemed so real.

It almost looks like there is a little baby doll in my tummy! Ha!

I then went up to meet with my doctor. I had wanted to use the doctor that had delivered my niece Ella and was doctor to so many of my other friends, but she was booked up. I then went through the list of other doctors, and asked my friend Becky for a little recon. Dr. Emily Johnson was the pick. Come to find out she is actually from Greenwood. I like not knowing my doctor, but after meeting Dr. Johnson and having people in common with her, made me at ease. She felt right. She is having her third baby this week, so she really knows what I am and will be going through.

Morning sickness has been kicking my butt all day long, but I have only puked twice. Not sure if I would rather be one who just pukes randomly, but feels okay otherwise, or like I am just feeling nauseous all the time. Oh well, we get what is handed to us. :) I do pray that this will only last a little while longer, and not the full pregnancy like my nurse told me hers did. That would be a nightmare. I am already having a hard time focusing at work, and am so tired. Dr. Johnson has given me a couple of prescriptions to try, so hopefully one will do the trick.

If you know me, you know that I am ready to decorate the nursery, but until I know the gender of the baby, I will hold off. I have on the other hand been planning the theme, whether it is a girl or boy, and have been pinning what I can down in my head. I am just so ready to find out what we are having , so I can get to work! Dustin always said that my sister would have girls, and we'd have a boy first, but now he is a little hesitant to say what he thinks it is. I really don't care either way, because I have really enjoyed my nieces and love babysitting the boys, and playing with my little cousins. So, whatever we have, I will be excited. I just really want to know! LOL!
From how the baby was measuring, they projected October 5 as my due date. I am hoping to be a little after that, but we will see!