
December 2011

Dean turned 2 months old in December. He had a very busy month.

Dean was baby Jesus in the Christmas musical at church. He did so good! The first night he slept the whole time, but the during second performance, he was awake the whole time without crying.

His first Wade family Christmas was at our house a week before Christmas. This is the first year we had it early and it was the first time we had it at our house. It went pretty well! Dean got lots of presents!

On Christmas Eve we dedicated Dean at church. It was so special. He was the only child being dedicated and he just looked out at the crowd as if he'd been there before! Of course he had, as baby Jesus. I told my family that there weren't any other babies up there because no one wants to be compared to Jesus! We had our family over afterwards for soup after riding around looking at Christmas decorations.

On Christmas, Dean woke to presents from Santa and from us. We spent the day at my parent's house with my family, and we went to Dustin's mother's house for dinner. Dean racked up on presents from his Grandparents!