

Lately I have found my self reminiscing about my childhood. I’d like to think my childhood, outside of school, was enchanted. I have fun just remembering the fun I had as a child growing up in the heart of the “boondocks”, where we had freedom to roam through acres of land without worry that someone would come and snatch us up. Peace of mind is hard to come by these days, but in the central hills of Mississippi the remnants of it are still there.

As a little girl with an older sister, I found myself being the “son” of the family. I was the one that ended up with the blue room and teddy bears instead of a pink room and baby dolls. I was daddy’s little girl. I would help him around the yard and the house. Also, being the youngest, I found myself getting out of punishment when my older sister was involved. “She should have known better.” Being the youngest had its benefits, but it also had its down sides. Hand-me-downs are not just clothes. You get the clothes, toys, and even the car that your older sibling had there hands all over. It wasn’t that bad; my sister was a pretty clean kid.

The country life as a kid was great. There is no way I would ever want to raise a kid in town because I know my childhood was that much better. I was not able to sneak out at night, because where would I go. We had a quarter mile drive way, and anytime my dad could hear something other that frogs and crickets, he would be up and ready to defend. Also, we had a big enough front yard to have all the nearby kids ride over on their four wheelers for a fun afternoon of softball. Those were great days.

Being young and having that child like imagination, my sister, the boy next door, and I found ourselves in the deep gullies surrounding our land. The gullies were amazing to us as children. There were peninsula-like pieces of land that protruded out into the gully; these were our houses. It was as if we were on peninsulas that protruded into the ocean, but our ocean didn’t have water. It was empty. So we could move down from our peninsulas down into the gully which was our downstairs. We each had our own forest names, I was Twig. My sister was Stream, and the boy next door was Bear. We made up names for our “houses” like “Bear’s Den”. My gully house was the greatest. My peninsula was like a “Y”; it protruded into two directions. One side of the Y was connected to the outer land by a fallen tree. I would go into my downstairs and under the tree into my “other room” which had and island in it. This island was so great to me because had a tree growing out of it. I would go into my “other room” climb up onto the island, sit down under the tree, and ponder away about plans for sprucing up my little gully house. Another cool thing we had in our houses was vine swings. The great big vines hanging from the trees would loop back up making perfect little swings for little bottoms. My sister had a nice little grouping of vines that made a sweet little conversation area for us to sit down have and afternoon chat. Those were great times.

I wish I had the leisure time to right a book about my childhood. I have many stories to tell my children and grandchildren about my childhood, and I pray that my kids will have a childhood as enchanted and as blessed as mine was. I guess my reminiscing must end, just as childhood must end.



My sweet husband sent me flowers for my birthday on Sunday! These are the prettiest flowers I have ever received or seen delivered.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Sheriff Joe Arpaio is the sheriff of Maricopa County in Arizona. He is using uncommon manners to keep inmates from enjoying one second of their stay in prison. One way he has done this is by not wasting government money on the building of air-conditioned buildings to house these criminals; instead they must live in tents in the heat of Arizona sun. I guess it is called punishment for a reason. He also has the male inmates wearing pink boxers, which can be seen when inmates strip down to avoid over heating. For more information about his methods look here.



Here are some t-shirt designs I have done it the past. These are two of my favorite designs.


Water Filters

Can anyone tell me the logic behind where Walmart puts its water filters? When I first moved in with Dustin after we got married, we went to Walmart to get some things we needed with our many gift cards and returns. Well, we live at the end of Pelucia Water lines in the boone-docks, and our water can get icky. So, I wanted a water filter pitcher. They were no where to be found. A few months later to my surprise I saw them on the sale display in the middle isle. So, I got my pitcher. Now it has been two months, so it is time for a new filter. Well, I was in Walmart looking for the replacement filters, and they were, again, no where to be found. To my surprise I found a helpful Walmart employee in bedding. She looked with me on three different isles, and finally she found them. Do you know where they were!?! Tell me the logic behind this. They were in AIR FILTERs section. Why in the world do they put them there?!



Here is another part of my life that I am proud to display. She is my niece Chloe. I got to spend the first few months of her life keeping her during the day. We got to bond right away. This is her first time swimming. Doesn't she look so relaxed!

Here she is with the duck I brought her back from Boston. She loved it.

She had here first vegetable recently. Her mom chose sweet potatoes. I don't know if she liked it. Can you tell?

Number One

Hey yall! Since this is my first blog I will tell a little about myself. The N2GSUS2 title comes from my car tag, which some of you may have seen. It stands for "Into Jesus", which is a DC talk song that gives me chills everytime I listen to it. They are just saying "Hey you, I'm into Jesus" over and over. I guess I just want this to be my personal banner. I want everyone to know why I am and who I am, and I am nothing without Jesus who gave His life for you and me. I can go to heaven! He is awesome so I want to sing "Hey you, I'm into Jesus" all the time. I want my life to reflect this very message.