
December 2011

Dean turned 2 months old in December. He had a very busy month.

Dean was baby Jesus in the Christmas musical at church. He did so good! The first night he slept the whole time, but the during second performance, he was awake the whole time without crying.

His first Wade family Christmas was at our house a week before Christmas. This is the first year we had it early and it was the first time we had it at our house. It went pretty well! Dean got lots of presents!

On Christmas Eve we dedicated Dean at church. It was so special. He was the only child being dedicated and he just looked out at the crowd as if he'd been there before! Of course he had, as baby Jesus. I told my family that there weren't any other babies up there because no one wants to be compared to Jesus! We had our family over afterwards for soup after riding around looking at Christmas decorations.

On Christmas, Dean woke to presents from Santa and from us. We spent the day at my parent's house with my family, and we went to Dustin's mother's house for dinner. Dean racked up on presents from his Grandparents!


October Firsts

During October Dean had quite a few firsts. Here are some:
First Trip to the Cabin. He like swinging with Grammy.
First Smiles. His first smiles were while sleeping.
First Doctors Visit. At two weeks he went to see Dr. Bolden for the first time. He liked the Dr. He just stared at him. Only thing he didn't really like was when the doc looked in his nose and mouth. He didn't really fuss much at that though. I think he was just hungry.
First Halloween. On Halloween we went to his first outing at the church to the Fall Festival. We were late and didn't get to see to many people, but it was nice. He also had his first visit to Grandmaw Pentecost's
And at four weeks he took his First Bottle. He gulped it down too! Bittersweet, but it meant that I could be away from him for more than 3 hours.


One Week Old - First Bath

Dean got his First Bath at home with mommy and daddy at one week old. He didn't mind it one bit! I just love this bath sling Grammy bought us. It is perforated and can sit in the bath or on top of the sink, which was good for my sore back.
He just wanted to suck on his fist the whole time


More Firsts - First Day Home

Dean's first day home followed his First Car Ride
When home he got to meet some other family for the First time!
Like his First Cousin Ella
Here is his First Morning at home!We had tried to swaddle him with a blanket, but he kept escaping all night.
 So the next night he had his First Night in his Swaddler blanket. Even though we didn't quite have it on good in this picture, these things work miracles! He slept so good, we went out and bought three more the next day.


Firsts - First Day

I thought I'd better start blogging about Dean before I get too behind. To cover what I've missed blogging, I am going to start a series of Dean's firsts. So here goes for Dean's First Day!

Here is Dean's First Picture taken by his Daddy during is First Cry on his First Day in this world! This is how I remember my First Sight of him. I just remember thinking how big his mouth was!
Here is his First Weigh, weighing at a whopping 10lbs 3oz. He was also 20.5 inches long. And the day before we were told the estimated weight was 9lbs 7oz. I thought they were off, but didn't realize they were off in the heavier direction!
Here is the First Time Dad!
That's one proud Daddy!

Here Dean is being held for the First time by:
His Grammy
His G-Paw
His MiMi
 His Aunt Lindsey
His First Cousins, Chloe and Preslee.
Right after this was taken Preslee not so gently patted Dean on the head. He didn't mind though. :) These girls love some baby Dean!

 Well that was the First Day. Oh, I guess I should post his First Picture with Mommy!

I couldn't love him more!

More firsts to be posted shortly!


Getting Closer

I am now in my third trimester at 28 weeks, and am feeling great, minus the fact that my doctor made me cut back on sweets since my glucose test, which got totally botched up by the GLH, came back with a borderline bad result. Even though she is telling me to watch my weight gain, I am kinda thankful she is because I always said I didn't want to be one who gains a ton of weight during pregnancy. I have actually lost a couple of pounds since I started cutting back, so hopefully the baby won't be too large and the doc will be pleased.

Since I have posted this yet, we are having a boy and his name will be Dean Cecil Sullivan. We just both liked the name Dean when we were talking names, and it stuck in our heads. My sweet papaw, mom's dad,  has the name Cecil and we wanted to name our little guy after him. As a plus he will share his daddy's initials.

Since the time is winding down, I have been getting more into the nursery decoration process.  While I was gone to Boston for training for my new job, my mom, sister, and husband painted the nursery for me. I am so grateful that I didn't have to do that. I went with Gray Matters by Sherwin Williams because I want all my accessories and fabrics to bring the color into the room. In this pick is my old gumball machine. I thought it was the perfect thing in here since it was vintage and had the bright color.

 I have bought and received a few vintage toys for the room. The blocks where my first purchase for Dean, which came with the other two wooden toys, and my mom bought her first gift to Dean being the tin spin toy.

We have gotten three jenny lind baby beds, two from my mom-in-law, and one from an abandoned storage unit when my sis was pregnant. With three we were able to come up with enough parts to make a bed. Now we just have to buy the mattress. This is a pic before I paint it and minus the springs.

I have also ordered fabric samples for the bedding, so I can go ahead pick that out for my mom to get started. My mom is graciously going to make the crib bedding, and I have purchased a couple of quilt and sham sets for the twin bed in the room. I bought two because I wasn't sure if the red or green would go better and they were on sale for $27 at target. I couldn't pass up the bargain. I will return one once I decided. These are the quilts I bought.

My awesome hubby also took down the old dingy blinds and bought new vinyl faux wood blinds like we have in the living room without me even asking. I got to see his frustrations putting them up though. Drilling into the woodwork is a pain. Here he is hard at work.

I will try to get better at updating my blog now that lots of things are a changing. So until next time...


Cupcake in the Oven

I haven't blogged in a while since I have not really had anything exciting going on in my life. Been cupcaking it away. :)

It's been a running joke with Dustin and my family for the past couple of years that we were going to have a baby in October 2011. I had decided that I wanted an October baby for the beautiful weather and the fun fall parties that could be had for birthdays. Dustin and I were working on the house at the time, and I wanted all the rooms, floors, and such done before we brought a baby into the mix. That is when we decided on 2011. We got done with both bathrooms, the kitchen, got our furniture, and redid the floors right on time. So October it was. I had told Dustin, if we weren't pregnant by the end of January, then we were gonna hold off a few months so to make sure we don't have another December baby. 6 birthdays in December is enough for one family. :) I was amazed when I found out how easy it was for me to get pregnant, but we hit our mark.

On Thursday, February 17, Dustin and I went to my new doctor, to verify that we were indeed pregnant. Jackson Healthcare for Women is a fantastic place, and the nurses, doctors, and other women working there are super nice and helpful. We started our appointment with our first ultrasound of the baby. The baby measured in at 1 cm, and that put me at 7 weeks. We weren't expecting much from the ultrasound, but when we saw the baby's heart beating, it all seemed so real.

It almost looks like there is a little baby doll in my tummy! Ha!

I then went up to meet with my doctor. I had wanted to use the doctor that had delivered my niece Ella and was doctor to so many of my other friends, but she was booked up. I then went through the list of other doctors, and asked my friend Becky for a little recon. Dr. Emily Johnson was the pick. Come to find out she is actually from Greenwood. I like not knowing my doctor, but after meeting Dr. Johnson and having people in common with her, made me at ease. She felt right. She is having her third baby this week, so she really knows what I am and will be going through.

Morning sickness has been kicking my butt all day long, but I have only puked twice. Not sure if I would rather be one who just pukes randomly, but feels okay otherwise, or like I am just feeling nauseous all the time. Oh well, we get what is handed to us. :) I do pray that this will only last a little while longer, and not the full pregnancy like my nurse told me hers did. That would be a nightmare. I am already having a hard time focusing at work, and am so tired. Dr. Johnson has given me a couple of prescriptions to try, so hopefully one will do the trick.

If you know me, you know that I am ready to decorate the nursery, but until I know the gender of the baby, I will hold off. I have on the other hand been planning the theme, whether it is a girl or boy, and have been pinning what I can down in my head. I am just so ready to find out what we are having , so I can get to work! Dustin always said that my sister would have girls, and we'd have a boy first, but now he is a little hesitant to say what he thinks it is. I really don't care either way, because I have really enjoyed my nieces and love babysitting the boys, and playing with my little cousins. So, whatever we have, I will be excited. I just really want to know! LOL!
From how the baby was measuring, they projected October 5 as my due date. I am hoping to be a little after that, but we will see!