
October Firsts

During October Dean had quite a few firsts. Here are some:
First Trip to the Cabin. He like swinging with Grammy.
First Smiles. His first smiles were while sleeping.
First Doctors Visit. At two weeks he went to see Dr. Bolden for the first time. He liked the Dr. He just stared at him. Only thing he didn't really like was when the doc looked in his nose and mouth. He didn't really fuss much at that though. I think he was just hungry.
First Halloween. On Halloween we went to his first outing at the church to the Fall Festival. We were late and didn't get to see to many people, but it was nice. He also had his first visit to Grandmaw Pentecost's
And at four weeks he took his First Bottle. He gulped it down too! Bittersweet, but it meant that I could be away from him for more than 3 hours.

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