

Rain Rain go away... come again another day, but these old men are still gonna play.

I volunteered to work the golf tournament, and even with the rain, the games went on. Here are some pics of the rainy day.
There is just something about wet feet that makes me want to rip off those wet socks, put on a pair of warm pj's and warm socks, and watch some tv, until I fall asleep that is. In the meantime stay dry! HAPPY WEEKEND!



I so desperately want to expand my living room area, I also in the future want to change the front look of my house. The front is so plain. Right now we have a inset porch that takes away our living area, so I would like to close it in and have that area for our living room. Then I want to add a porch with that adding to the roof line. In doing so I can either do siding under the porch or try to reuse the brick somehow. I also want to change out the windows one day, and paint the shutters black. Another option that I like would be to white wash the brick.

This is my house now...

And this is my house after photoshopping a porch in.

I like this porch because it is like most houses of the period of my house, but it has a different face to it making it look up-to-date. The options shown here include, with and without siding and with or without white washing. I know I won't be doing this anytime soon, but I like to know what I want in my house. That way I have something to look forward to, and to plan and save for.


Summer Days by the Fire

Our family loves to get together and have bonfires. That is the reason why my parents built a fire pit in their back yard. We have spent a few of our summer nights this year roasting hot dogs and marshmallows for smores. Got a love a good ole bonfire! My aunt, cousin, and her boys were all down recently so we wanted to take advantage of the beautiful weather and have us a bonfire. Chloe loves to play with her cousins maroon clothes and all. :P Bonfire nights always end in sticky fingers and full tummies for all of us, including the dogs who are always ready and waiting for the burnt wienies!


Found Kitty Needs A Home - Home Found

Update: Home found!!!! A sweet friend of mine is taking in the sweet little kitty.
A little kitten found its way to my husbands work, and Dustin couldn't just stand by and wait for it to get run over. So he took care of it and brought it home that day, thinking he'd find a home for it at our garage sale on Saturday. Needless to say everyone thought the kitty was precious, but it seems that garage sale goers are cat people too. Most of which said they had 3 or more cats already. So if you know of anyone who or you yourself would like to take in a little lovable kitten, we would love to give her, we think it is a girl, to a good home. We would love to keep her ourselves, but think she wouldn't fend well against our vicious red dog, who eats kitty cats that make there way into the backyard. We don't know why he wants to eat cats, but we suspect that it is our orange tabby cat who makes faces at him all day long through the fence. Let me know if you'd like a sweet kitty for your home.

On a lighter note, while looking for some clip art for my post, I found this hilarious picture of a Hello Kitty cat costume. I had to post it.


Hotty Toddy! Go Rebels!

When turning my alumni calendar to September, my heart fluttered to see the picture of the month. The Ole Miss stadium in all its glory! I love some Rebel Football and am so excited for our teams high ranking this year. I wanted to share some pictures of game days in the past that bring back some great memories. I got my images ready, but wanted to wait till closer to game day to post. I was planning on posting this Sunday, but forgot once the game started. I don't get to go to many games anymore, but that doesn't keep me from cheering the Rebels on from my living room. Congrats Ole Miss on your first of many wins this season!!!
I hate that I don't have any with Dustin, but He took me to my first game and taught me all about football. :) We had some fun times together my first year at Ole Miss! Boy do I miss hearing the band. The band, the cheering, and of course the BBQ nachos are what I miss the most about not being there on game day. I still get to watch them play, but it is not the same without those blisters on my feet from walking around in sandals all day. LOL! I hopefully will be going to a game or two this year, if Dustin can get us some tickets that is. I am crossing my fingers, but I am not going to be pulling out the skirt and sandals come game day this time. I think a red blouse, pants, and some comfortable shoes will do just fine since I won't be in the student section surrounded by sorority girls and frat boys.


Show Us How You Live - School Pictures

Kelly's Korner has Show Us How You Live fridays, and so I am finally showing my life. These are school pictures ranging from preschool all the way to senior year. The only thing I miss about those school days was being so skinny. Throughout my school years, I was active in softball, dance, cheerleading, show choir, soccer, tennis, and for a year track and basketball. Man would I give to have that kind of energy again. I am always so tired all the time. UGHH! It is sad to think back on how self-conscience I was in those days, but if I were that size now, boy I would be the most confident person ever. You hear that God, I will be a good confident girl just PLEASE make me skinny again! Oh well, I can only blame it on myself, and my husband who has unhealthy tastes! LOL!


Help Me Pick A Song

I am going to be singing at my church in a few weeks, and need help picking a song. I downloaded some songs by Mandisa that I really like, but they all are so pretty. I can't decide. Help me to pick! Below is a playlist of four songs, listen to them and let me know what you think. Then, on the side of my blog, you can vote for the one you like the best.

Create a playlist at MixPod.com

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