
Show Us How You Live - School Pictures

Kelly's Korner has Show Us How You Live fridays, and so I am finally showing my life. These are school pictures ranging from preschool all the way to senior year. The only thing I miss about those school days was being so skinny. Throughout my school years, I was active in softball, dance, cheerleading, show choir, soccer, tennis, and for a year track and basketball. Man would I give to have that kind of energy again. I am always so tired all the time. UGHH! It is sad to think back on how self-conscience I was in those days, but if I were that size now, boy I would be the most confident person ever. You hear that God, I will be a good confident girl just PLEASE make me skinny again! Oh well, I can only blame it on myself, and my husband who has unhealthy tastes! LOL!

1 comment:

Bridgette said...

Those pictures are so cute. I know how you feel about the being skinny part. I use to think I was so huge in HS now I would give anything to be that size! Thanks for sharing!