
Found Kitty Needs A Home - Home Found

Update: Home found!!!! A sweet friend of mine is taking in the sweet little kitty.
A little kitten found its way to my husbands work, and Dustin couldn't just stand by and wait for it to get run over. So he took care of it and brought it home that day, thinking he'd find a home for it at our garage sale on Saturday. Needless to say everyone thought the kitty was precious, but it seems that garage sale goers are cat people too. Most of which said they had 3 or more cats already. So if you know of anyone who or you yourself would like to take in a little lovable kitten, we would love to give her, we think it is a girl, to a good home. We would love to keep her ourselves, but think she wouldn't fend well against our vicious red dog, who eats kitty cats that make there way into the backyard. We don't know why he wants to eat cats, but we suspect that it is our orange tabby cat who makes faces at him all day long through the fence. Let me know if you'd like a sweet kitty for your home.

On a lighter note, while looking for some clip art for my post, I found this hilarious picture of a Hello Kitty cat costume. I had to post it.

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